I was once told that when you start making good lattes you will stop going to coffee shops for the coffee. Well readers, today I reached that point. I realized that there are two and a half coffee shops that I would rather get a latte at then make my own. This realization happened after going out to coffee this morning with my sister and Titus Leger. Instead of griping I will just

say that I will most likely never be going to that shop ever again...maybe.

Anyways today is a good day, not just because I made a delicious tasting coffee or because it looks awesome, but because I was listening to
Does Anyone Really Know What Times It Is?, by Chicago! Click on the picture to listen or purchase from Amazon. Also today was the great Pizza Feed for Coeur d'Alene High School. The first Monday of the month, CDA Bible Church invites the high school over to enjoy some "Jesus Pizza." That is what the students call it anyways. That time with the students always turns into a good time. The following Thursday and Friday we invite them over to discuss the question of the month which was "What do you think God thinks of you?" Well if you have any input please post away. Drink more coffee!
I had two of Russell's lattes this evening while watching the great movie, Get Low. Needless to say, and I'll say it anyways, they were incredible. Russell has obviously worked very hard to perfect his craft.