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Upon starting this endeavor, which I just realized has no end, it dawned upon me that I would need to have some beans to make the espresso with.  So here is the current bag of coffee that I am using.  First impression, it's from IKEA, ergo, not good.  I concluded this because it come from a furniture store, and one which is out of Sweden.  After examination my suspicion was confirmed, it was roasted and produced in Sweden.  Which leaves me wondering when it was roasted, since they do all of that in Sweden.  Well for those that actual care about coffee, I am sure that you are thoroughly offended that I would be using such a low grade coffee. The coffee I normal use I left in Canada, after visiting there last weekend.
Stats about the Kaffe Hela Bönor Mörkrost. Mörkrost is a dark roast and UTZ certified. It contains 91% Arabica beans, 9% Robusta beans. This product, according to the packaging was produced in Sweden and is best before 11 – 01 – 2012. The UTZ certified coffee, has a extremely nice website that allows you to see where in the world the coffee came from. Kaffe Hela Bönor Mörkrost Very interesting.  Please check back soon, more to come regarding types of coffee.