For those of you who have been following along, I promised a closer look at the amazing welding job my friend, Robert, did for the La Pavoni. Here you can see the handle is attached to the lever, almost flawlessly. Robert was telling me that his teacher also hooked him up with a spray, that was applied, which prevents rusting. So thank you Robert and a job well done!!
In the next picture, is todays glorious, latte!! I was sad that I had no one to share it with in person. It is a partial Rosetta. For those interested, after doing a 3 second search on latte art and who is known for it's development, or at least its publicing it, is a man by named David Schomer, from Seattle. Though this information was gathered on the highly controversial website,
Wikipedia, it still serves as a start to any good researching. I will do more verifying on this topic for the next blog tomorrow. Until then, drink lots of coffee and stay safe, assuming it doesn't get in the way of having fun.